The No Regrets curriculum teaches REAL Essentials .  It is designed for 7th grade, 8th grade and High School students, with each grade receiving seven-45 minute presentations or four-90 minute presentations, but can be altered for your particular needs.

7th Grade:

Defining healthy relationships, how to set boundaries and decision making.  Students will learn about the changes they will experience through puberty and how to navigate these changes.  A brief discussion on Internet safety and social media standards.

For a more detailed day-by-day breakdown of the 7th grade curriculum, please click here.

8th Grade:

Students will take a look at their selves and the relationships they are in, while understanding what healthy and unhealthy looks like.  Future Dreams & Goals will be discussed as well as a review of the reproductive system and basic information on Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

For a more detailed day-by-day breakdown of the 8th grade curriculum, please click here.

High School:

Students will identify the 6 categories of the Whole Self (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Spiritual & Financial). They will learn how to establish and maintain personal dating standards and understand the incremental steps of physical intimacy.  Students will have the opportunity to consider the choices they make now and how these choices can affect their future relationships.  A group activity is available for students to research STD’s and the effects on a person.

For a more detailed day-by-day breakdown of the High School curriculum, please click here.