7th Grade Curriculum
Day 1: Defining Relationships
Students will be introduced to the No Regrets program. They will be guided in a discussion of the importance of having healthy relationships (friendships, siblings, parent/child, etc). The classroom will have an in-depth conversation on healthy friendships and important character qualities in themselves and others that make a healthy friendship.
Day 2: Boundaries & Decision Making
Students will review the importance of healthy relationships and then will extend this topic into how to set good boundaries. Students can participate in a fun activity to help them better understand the decision making process and become more aware of how they make decisions and how these decisions affect their future and others around them. Students will learn the 6 categories of the Whole Self: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual & financial. The No Regrets teacher will lead a discussion on how to practice healthy relationships in their everyday lives.
Day 3: Puberty
Students will gain increased knowledge about the changes during puberty while looking at the 6 categories of the Whole Self and understanding how puberty affects their whole self. Proper grooming and hygiene will be discussed and why this is an important part of managing their growing, changing body.
Day 4: Accepting Body Changes
Students will think through the proper responses to the changes that accompany the onset of puberty. A diagram of the male and female Reproductive Systems will be presented, giving the students knowledge on the proper anatomical names.
Day 5: Social Media & Internet Safety
Students will gain skills and be given tools that will help them navigate the Internet & Social Media safely. To conclude the week, students will have the ability to evaluate the class and brainstorm how they will respond to what they have learned.