We understand the sensitivity of this subject and strive to provide accurate and age-appropriate information. Please contact us anytime with questions or concerns.

Common FAQs from Parents:

Is No Regrets federally funded?
No, we receive no federal money. We are funded through a non-profit organization that is supported by individual and business donors in our local community.

How long has No Regrets been presenting in the schools?
The No Regrets program started in 2001 presenting in the local schools. We have built many positive relationships with the local schools, administrators, and teachers.

Can a parent see a copy of the curriculum?
Our curriculum is REAL Essentials and it is a product of The Center for Relationship Education. REAL Essentials is copyrighted, trademarked, and registered with the United States Patent and Trademark office. Educators who have purchased REAL essentials are allowed to photocopy participant worksheets and handouts to use exclusively for participant materials. For more information, visit www.myrelationshipcenter.org

Can a parent watch the presentation?
Yes, we encourage parents to join us in any classroom. Please contact us if this is something you wish to do.

For more detailed curriculum information, please contact us at noregrets@lifelinepcc.org